Fee-Free Retreat Donations 100% Matched Today

We’re so grateful to everyone who has contributed to raise $18,247 toward a fee-free 2024 Retreat so far. If you haven’t had the chance to give yet, now is the perfect time: a generous group of donors will be 100% matching all donations today, up to $10,000.

The goal is to raise enough to cover tuition costs and application fees for all Retreat attendees, making this transformative program more financially accessible. In the words of Noah Arhm Choi, Kundiman fellow and author of Cut to Bloom:

“Kundiman has loved me out of hiding and given me what I’ve always craved: to be checked for. To be celebrated. The Retreat was the first place I finally understood who I was writing to and with and in awe of, introduced to people who would strengthen my resolve when challenged by patriarchy or imperialism or my own internalized erasure.”

“My story would not be possible without the people in this room who have broken the tropes and dared to be impolite and refused to be a neat box. There is no way to tell you the depths of my gratitude, but let me start with this if you will join me in a toast. To Kundiman, forever.” 

With your help, Kundiman can continue fostering an environment where AAPI writers thrive. Thank you for supporting our mission to empower these essential voices.